

Autodidaktos originate from an 18th century Greek term: autos ‘self’ + didaskein ‘teach’. The English term: Autodidacticism represent the concept of self-education or self-directed learning (SDL).

This concept is gaining popularity as a learning approach given the reality of giving students “learning space and freedom” i.e. developing of “learning to learn”  (heutagogy) approaches when approaching a subject. An autodidact is an individual with a high degree of self-motivation and enthusiasm for self-teaching specifically in areas that arouses his interests, for example mastery of languages.


Notable autodidacts: Socrates, Avicenna, Benjamin Franklin, George Bernard Shaw, Feodor Chaliapin

There are often myriads of unanswered doubts/queries in any learning experiences; some missing puzzles that hinder visualising of a complete picture, for example in vocational training where the trainer espoused “theoretical adages” such as customer service: “Greet customers with warmth”, “Look through customer’s lenses “

Absolutely correct, but where is the link between this “truth” and my workplace atmospherics?? Here, the autodidact learner seeks to unravel the persistent doubts from his own further learning out of the classroom, leveraging on the prowess of technology; one of the many facets of 21st century learning environments.


The author has benefited from the wealth of information deposited in the internet by kindred teachers and learners and this website” nuggets of knowledge” drawn from the author’s learning journey seek to serve to increase the knowledge depository while in small measure facilitating the autodidactic Teacher, Trainer and Students quest for information in the following domains:

  Academic Skills
 Applied Teaching and Learning
 Training and Development

Knowledge through :


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