Training & Development

Participants of training sessions are often amazed by the ease and confidence of the TRAINER in “herding” the flock of different personalities towards achievement of sometimes “crazy” activities:

Beneath the veneer of “such a fantastic training” lies many hours of PPP (Planning, Practice, Preparation) and despite all these tedious tasks: The greatest fear is yet to be faced: “Will it become a dud training?”, “Will I be able to overcome the yawns and zzzz?” and perhaps the greatest challenge: “Will there be smart aleck(s) or psycho(s) in the class?”

Effective training requires vastly different sets of skills from teaching (You can teach But You Cannot Train) especially in adult training where often, the participants seek to link the learning with their job experiences and woe to the trainer who dictate theory against real world situations, for example, “How do I motivate my team when I am not motivated myself?”.

Trainers who hoard the limelight do not train but rather seek to “blah blah blah” on their past and “who cares” glories!!! The most effective trainer chart the training direction while permitting the participants to explore the varying landscapes along the learning journey,


Distinguishing characteristics among exemplary trainers in business and industry

Trainers in continuing VET: Emerging competence profile

There are no shortcuts in becoming an “adept Trainer” and the greatest mistake is to imitate the style of others. Rather, it takes rigorous “self learning” and even more effective: numerous “knocks” on the head by participants brutal remarks and this call for humility as:


The greatest reward of a Trainer centred on participants “self discovery insights” : be it new knowledge or greater understanding of oneself, the vital “Take Home” of training as:


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